Bellagena is a skin care studio and med spa located in Bradenton, Florida

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Skin Tips If You’re Undergoing Chemo Therapy

Written by:

Julia Padilla - Carr

Julia had the vision of creating a clinical skin care studio with the traditional spa atmosphere for many years. Julia is a Licensed Aesthetician, Licensed Electrologist, and Certified Laser Hair Removal Technician in the State of Florida.

Did you know that on average every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States? As the most common cancer amongst women in the US, statistics show that one in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during her lifetime. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we wanted to bring awareness to these important statistics and share the critical changes your skin goes through during radiation treatments and how you can take care of your skin while undergoing chemo.

Increased Risk of Infection
Since cancer treatments can increase your risk of infection so it is very important to take proper care of your skin. As your largest organ, your skin serves as a protective barrier and needs all the support in keeping you safe from external risks. Your skin becomes very sensitive during this time so be mindful of the products you use making sure to avoid known irritants such as fragrances and alcohol which can irritate and dry out your skin even more.

Wear Sunscreen
The treatment itself but also some of the medications used during radiation therapy can make your skin very sensitive to the sun so make sure to avoid long exposure and always make sure that you are wearing sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat and stay in the shade as much as possible to avoid any sunburns.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized
Keep your skin moisturized and hydrated with products like Sanitas Oil-Free Moisturizer, which will help against dry and cracking skin. Make sure you apply the moisturizer within 15 minutes of showering and avoid long and hot showers. Reapply before going to bed and after washing your hands to avoid any cuts in your skin which could lead to infection and a longer than normal healing period.

Avoid Irritants
Although your skin is going through a lot of changes and you might see skin discoloration, new wrinkles, or even texture changes in your skin. It is important to avoid irritants at this time and put your typical regiment like exfoliation on hold. Stick to hypoallergenic, gentle, and moisturizing creams that are designed for sensitive skin.

If you or a loved one are currently undergoing radiation therapy and need assistance finding the right products, we are here to help! Stop by our spa and we will gladly work with you to find the products that best fit your needs. 

Don't Get Left Out!

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