Bellagena is a skin care studio and med spa located in Bradenton, Florida

Spots & Dots – Treatment for Minor Skin Irregularities

Written by:

Brian Deckard

Well, I am an internet marketer, which includes website design & development, graphic designer, SEO strategist, social media marketer, and so much more!

As you get older, have you noticed new spots or dots that weren’t there before? This month, we take a closer look at Electrodesiccation by exploring what the procedure is, how it works, what it treats, and if it’s right for you. Let’s go!

So, what is Electrodesiccation?

Electrodesiccation is a minor surgical procedure used for decades to treat minor skin imperfections such as skin tags, sebaceous, brown spots, cherry angiomas, etc.

How does it work?

A local anesthetic is used to numb the area (usually done through a small injection). The next step is electrifying (sorry, we felt the pun was needed). We use a Curette (like a small metal scoop) and an electric needle to scrape away the unwanted skin cells to the layer of uninvolved tissue. The affected area is then cauterized to minimize any bleeding. The wound typically takes 2-3 weeks to heal fully.

What can Electrodesiccation treat?

Electrodesiccation is a wonderful option when it comes to the following minor skin irregularities:

  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia is small, shiny bumps that appear on the skin when sebaceous glands become enlarged. The bumps are similar to acne, but when inspected closer, they have a small indent in the center with a white or yellowish outer edge.
  • Cherry Angiomas, also know as red moles, these tiny irregularities are bright red and can be round or oval-shaped. They can also be flush with the surface of your skin or slightly raised.
  • Seborrheic Keratoses are usually brown, black or light tan coloured, noncancerous growths that can hang out on your back, neck, chest and head. They can look scaly/waxy and are slightly raised.
  • Skin Tags are a widespread skin condition that affects both men and women. They are soft, benign skin tone growth that can appear just about anywhere on the body but are most common in the armpit or on the neck.
  • Brown Spots (AKA age spots) is another common skin affliction that can develop on the face, hands, back and shoulders. The spots can range in colour (depending on the individual’s skin tone) and are caused by several conditions such as sun damage, hormone changes, etc.
  • Milia is small white bumps that appear on the nose and cheeks. This happens when keratin
    becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin.

Is Electrodesiccation right for me?

This depends on you. If the mentioned skin imperfections are bothersome than Electrodesiccation is an ideal choice. The procedure is quick and painless, and our expert staff will ensure you are comfortable from start to finish. If you’re ready to book your Electrodesiccation appointment, give us a call or book online –

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