Bellagena is a skin care studio and med spa located in Bradenton, Florida

Advanced Skin Care Studio

FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation

Internal Vaginal Rejuvenation treats:

Vaginal Laxity, Post-menopause Dyspareunia, Sexual Dissatisfaction, and Painful Intercourse.

Co2 Technology is both thermal and ablative. By creating micro-ablative zones within the tissue, providers are able to tone and rebuild collagen. Patients describe the treatment as virtually pain-free.

Labial Rejuvenation treats:

Labia atrophy, Loss of sexual stimulation, Overall Aesthetic.

As with any other human tissue, the natural course of the labia majora often involves tissue atrophy, which is mainly a consequence of normal vaginal aging and associated poor circulation and loss of hormonal support, or pregnancy, delivery and significant weight loss in younger women.

*External treatment before and after photos are available during consultation.
A consultation is required. Treatment may not be suitable for all patients.

Combo Treatment & FAQ's

What is the pain level:
Virtually Painless – A topical numbing cream is used for external treatment. There is no need for numbing during the internal treatment.

Side effects:

Treatment time:
Less than 30 minutes for both.

Results longevity:
1 to 2 years

How many treatments are recommended:
We recommend three for best results.

What is the downtime:

  • For the internal:
    Refrain from intercourse or inserting anything into the treatment area for 3 to 5 days.
  • For the external: Refrain from excessive rubbing or chaffing for 3 days.
Bradenton Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatments