
Acne: It’s Time to Face  Reality 

Written by:

Brian Deckard

Well, I am an internet marketer, which includes website design & development, graphic designer, SEO strategist, social media marketer, and so much more!

This month, Bellagena Spa is giving you a few tips on how to clear your unwanted blemishes.

Nobody likes acne…

But everyone knows the terrible feeling of waking up to an unwanted new “present”  planted on your face–courtesy of your genetics. Whether you’re more prone to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts, you know the never-ending search for the magical remedy to clear your acne never ends well. It’s time to stop rubbing picking at those blemishes and time to start picking out the facts about your acne!

Acne is primarily an inherited dead skin cell problem.

To prevent acne, we have to first explore the core–or the pore– of the dead skin cells.  According to Face Reality Acne Clinic, “the solution lies in products that penetrate the pore and prevent dead skin cells from building up…. it’s all about preventing the micro comedones (the beginning of acne) from forming at all” (“What is Acne?” par. 9).     On their website, Face Reality Acne has a large library of articles that provide basic information about acne. They also have several articles with tips and tricks for clearing your acne with a scientific reasoning. The site explores how acne is different for women and men, how it’s different for athletes, how acne on different parts of your body should be the treat, and so much more. If acne is something you are struggling with, their Acne  Information Center is the perfect place to check out.       One of my personal favorite articles is “10 Tips for Clear Skin”. The article explains that everything you do contributes to your health and that acne treatment is no different. The full article will be linked at the end of this blog post, but I’d like to point out some specific tips mentioned in the article.

Rest up!

The article’s first point is to “get enough rest and reduce your stress” (“10 Tips” par. 1). I’m  sure, like me, reading that line made you scoff and think Okay! Well, that’s not an easy thing  to achieve. Being stressed has become a part of most of our daily routines. Whether it be  from work, school, kids, or natural anxiety, Life is stressful.     There are luckily a lot of solutions to destress that can benefit your life and eventually your  acne problem. This includes going to sleep at a reasonable time, not checking your phone  as often, meditation, and getting in your weekly Bellagena Spa visits.

Don’t pick!

This tip is especially hard for me. There is something in getting the blemish off your face  forcefully that is somewhat satisfying. We are all guiltily aware that picking/popping your  pimples is bad for your skin. It can cause scarring and the spread of bacteria. Instead, try  rubbing ice “ on pimples for about five minutes, twice a day…. You can use Benzoyl  Peroxide for this [too]” (“10 Tips par. 5).

Avoid pore-clogging products!

According to Face Reality Acne Clinic, “Natural oils can be some of the worst offenders, like  cocoa butter and coconut oil which are found in many “organic” skin care lines.” Although  organic lifestyles may be gaining popularity, organic skincare may not be the right option  for you if you suffer from severe acne. Further, the article explains that “some prescription  products like the cream form of Retin A have pore cloggers. Many over-the-counter acne  medications also have pore clogging ingredients.“Oil-free” products can be comedogenic”  (“Pore” par. 1).     For life changing results, talk to your dermatologist or esthetician at Bellagena Spa for a list  of products that are not pore-clogging and can help with your acne. Face Reality Acne  Clinic also offers a line of products, such as cleansers, scrubs, toners, and serums, that can  solve your acne problem.


“Acne Facts for Clear Skin.” Face Reality Acne Clinic,

“Pore Clogging Ingredients.” Face Reality Acne Clinic,

“What Is Acne.” Face Reality Acne Clinic,