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Tips To Care For Your Skin During The Colder Weather

Written by:

Brian Deckard

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Your skin requires a different kind of attention during the cold winter season. When the atmosphere is cold and the humidity is low, the moisture is usually sucked out of everything – including your skin. This is why you are prone to itching or chapped lips. If you do not do something about this, it might end up cracking so bad that it will develop into serious conditions like acne or eczema.

Fortunately for you, there are a couple of tips that can help you care for your body during the winter season. Of course, you should have a beauty and care routine regardless of the season. But it will probably change a bit once the cold season begins.

Tips to take care of your skin when it’s cold

If you want to maintain a healthy and clear complexion, here are some tips that you should follow.

● Drink a lot. This refers to water and other non-caffeinated drinks. You want to make sure that you keep sodas, coffee, and alcohol to a minimum.
● Include healthy fats in your diet. To be specific, you might want to eat enough Omega-3 fats. Focus on avocados, nuts, eggs, lean meat, yogurt, and even cheese. This is how you can keep your skin soft and supple. It is better to keep your body moisturized.
● Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. These are a good source of Vitamins A, C, E, selenium, and zinc. All of these will help keep you hydrated. There are also antioxidants in fruits and vegetables that are really good for your complexion.
● Exercise regularly. Sweating is actually good for your skin. It clears your body from toxins, clean your pores, improve circulation, and since it is cold, it will also help warm you up.
● Lower the thermostat at home. If the weather outside is cold, our tendency is to crank the temperature up. This is not really a good idea. You should keep it low and just add extra layers. Turn off the heater while you sleep and just add extra blankets. You can also sleep with socks and gloves – it will keep your hands and feet moisturized.
● Cover yourself when you are outside. Since the cold air dries up your skin, just keep yourself covered when you step out.
● Use a humidifier at home. This will keep your home from being too dry – which will also affect the moisture level of your body.

Skin care products to use

Apart from the tips mentioned above, there are a couple of products that you might want to apply to help your skin survive the cold winter season.

● Put on sunscreen. Even if it is cold, the UV rays from the sun are still penetrating the atmosphere. Make sure you protect yourself by applying sunscreen on areas of your body that is exposed.
● Moisturize well. Ideally, using natural oil is the best way to moisturize your skin. Some coconut oil is best for your face, hands, and feet. Apply the moisturizer after you take a bath. For dry lips, you can use any product with beeswax while your dry nails can be softened by olive oil.
● Use a hydrating mask every now and then. If you really feel like the moisture level is not getting any better, you might want to use a hydrating mask on your face.
● Wash with cool water. It is tempting to take a bath with hot water but using lukewarm water will keep your skin from drying up. The same is true when you are washing your hands or face.
● Opt for mild soap. The weather will make you extra sensitive right now so opt to use mild soap for now. Those with moisturizer or natural oils like coconut oil or olive oil should be a good option too.

When you are caring for your skin during this season, make sure you avoid alcohol-based products or exfoliating too much. This might ruin your complexion instead of helping. If you follow all of these tips, you should be able to keep your skin from being ruined by the cold winter season.

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